Friday, 8 May 2015

The Petts Wood Growing Guiding Roadshow

I decided after spending two out of three days trying to find new volunteers in Petts Wood, to declare that there had been a 'Petts Wood Growing Guiding Roadshow'.

On Saturday, members of the ever-faithful Chislehurst Division Growing Guiding Sub-Committee (I do like a Sub-Committee) met at Petts Wood Methodist Church for the first of two Growing Guiding Coffee Mornings. Piggy-backing on the regular Coffee Morning, we had fruit kebabs aplenty, bracelets to make, plus a table of Girlguiding resources, a brand new Guiding sale declaring our presence, plus a steady supply of happy smiles.

Attendance of potential Rainbows and potential volunteers was not overwhelming, but several people who had received letters and emails about the #MakeARainbow campaign appeared, including a local parent who is going to help run a new unit in Petts Wood every Wednesday and has put the word out to her peers to help out!

Several people with Rainbow-age children were persuaded in from the cold to hear about our exciting campaign to grow Girlguiding locally.  

A number of those who had heard about the campaign appeared two days later, when we proudly stood at Petts Wood May Fayre at Petts Wood Hall, in our legendary gazebo, encouraging passers-by to make bracelets, collages and chat to us about volunteering with Girlguiding.

The scoping exercise continued to evolve, with parents who had heard about our campaign coming to speak to us, as well as numerous others, some of whom had never heard of Girlguiding but liked the sound of it.

We have a good number of parents considering volunteering once a month and good numbers of girls wanting to join new units.

We were pleased that Olaf, everyone's favourite snowman, endorsed our Growing Guiding campaign.

We are still looking for more adults who are prepared to help regularly with the new Rainbow units. If you are considering giving some time and energy to the most progressive movement of our time for girls and young women, drop us an email and we shall be in touch!

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