Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Have you received a letter?

Greetings and welcome to the Chislehurst Division Growing Guiding blog!

Maybe you have just received a letter explaining the situation in Chislehurst Division and have decided to have a quick look at the blog to see what it's all about.

Maybe you're here because you've seen the link in a local newsletter - perhaps that of Chislehurst Methodist Church, Farringtons School, the Petts Wood Gazette, Look Out or any of the other publications which have kindly accepted articles about our campaign to open new Rainbow units locally.

Maybe you are a prolific tweeter and saw a link in a tweet.

Whoever you are - welcome.

Yesterday marked a milestone in the campaign to #MakeARainbow as finally, the letters to the parents / guardians of the 105 girls who are eligible to join Rainbows but cannot due to a lack of units for them to join, were posted.

Thanks to three diligent Guides - Maddy, Ruby and Jemima - who helped out as part of their service to the community, 105 envelopes were prepared, then stuffed with a personalised letter to the parents, an invitation to our two Growing Guiding Coffee Mornings in May (one at Christ Church Chislehurst, one at Petts Wood Methodist Church), plus a Girlguiding postcard - either a Rainbow one or a volunteering one.


Posting the letters
On Tuesday morning, I hurried to Old Street Post Office and posted the whole lot, as you can see from the photo above.  I am aware that I look a bit suspicious, but it took five attempts, plus a lot of odd looks from passers-by to get this photograph.  Then I nearly posted the phone in error, which would have been awkward.

I'm now awaiting a flurry of e-mails and text messages from people eager to help out with Rainbows in Chislehurst and Petts Wood!

Scroll down to read about why we're trying to #MakeARainbow in Chislehurst Division and read more about the Rainbow programme here. If you're interested in finding out more about Rainbows or any other section, e-mail

Keep checking the blog for updates on the campaign.

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