Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Where are we now?

Sorry it’s been so long, faithful readers.  I know what you’re thinking - an update on Chislehurst Division’s massive project to open new Rainbow units is well overdue – what on earth is going on?! Work with me here – just because you haven’t had an update, doesn’t mean that nothing has been happening.  Au contraire.

The last blog was cheekily entitled ‘Reasons to not volunteer’, and was written more than two months ago! A lot can happen in two months.  And it has.

On June 1st 2015, 3rd Chislehurst Rainbows opened on Monday evenings at Christ Church Chislehurst.  Run by one qualified Girlguiding Leader, one very-nearly qualified Girlguiding Leader, 2 Young Leaders and 3 Rainbow Helpers who are Guides, the team quickly gained two keen parents who are happy to help each week.  By week 3, we had more than 20 Rainbows, many of whom had sat on waiting-to-join lists for some years.  When we go back in Sept, we will have even more Rainbows - safely taken off waiting-to-join lists and put into new units.  

Meanwhile, over in Petts Wood District, the other half of Chislehurst Division, the brand new 9th Petts Wood Rainbows was evolving, thanks to an existing Qualified Leader and a Unit Helper.  It opened on June 5th and is already thriving, with a number of girls due to join in Sept.  

But, there are still alarming numbers of girls waiting-to-join Rainbow units in Petts Wood and whilst one unit has opened and is thriving, there is scope for at least two more Rainbow units.

I know what you’re thinking – why don’t you open another two units then?!

Whilst many people are happy to help out with Rainbow meetings in Petts Wood once a month, we have as yet been unable to find enough people who want to and are able to commit to helping out every week and considering working towards the Leadership Qualification.  Whilst the scoping exercise showed that there are plenty of girls wanting to join Rainbows and venues to accommodate them, we cannot yet progress the growth plan until we have more volunteers.

So my challenge to you is this – help us to find these people! Help us to find people who want to work with this exciting group, girls age 5 – 7; people who are available early evening on Mondays or Wednesdays, in Petts Wood; people who want to enable girls to reach their potential by starting them on their Guiding journey; people who are looking for experience of working with children, perhaps for a future career, such as teaching or being a classroom assistant, or an instructor; people who are looking for a new hobby. 

Some people have a horse, or go climbing – why not make Guiding your hobby?

Watch this video to find out more about Guiding.  Why not share it on Facebook? In fact, why not share this blog? Why not follow us on Twitter? Help us to spread the word.  Change lives.

If you know of places where we could advertise for volunteers - places to put posters, groups we could flyer - etc. please get in touch!

What else has been happening in Chislehurst Division? Our initial call for volunteers a few months ago yielded a qualified Rainbow Leader who had just settled back in Chislehurst, after three years away at university.  Along with a new Unit Helper who has come forward, and a Young Leader or two, the brand new ‘2nd Chislehurst Rainbows’ is opening at St Nick’s Village Hall, Church Lane in September! Now, this unit has plenty of places at the moment and everyone waiting-to-join the Petts Wood units has been e-mailed about the three new units.  So if you’re after a Rainbow unit for your daughter or someone known to you who is Rainbow age (5-7), go to and choose ‘2nd Chislehurst Rainbows’.  Please tell your friends – I’ve told both of mine.

We are also delighted to welcome some new volunteers into the Division who are going to help with existing units, to enable them to build their capacity and continue to deliver good Guiding.  There is always room for more volunteers.  

Now is a very exciting time to get involved with Girlguiding.  The strategic plan, ‘Being Our Best’ is now out there and in motion: by 2020, we will empower more girls to find their voice and be their best through high-quality, girl-led programmes delivered by inspirational leaders.  Read more here.

Girlguiding is not just another after-school activity – Girlguiding helps girls to develop their potential and contribute to their community.  Why would you not want to get involved?! Feel free to e-mail or call / message 07748 503689.